Welcome to the new App Inventor website!
Hello again,
After a bit of a hiatus, this blog is back in action. I was waiting to post a new entry until we had successfully rolled out the NEW WEBSITE! Now that it's here, I'd like to draw your attention to a few things.
The App Inventor website hosted at MIT (appinventor.mit.edu) is actually three separate sites: the "explore" site, the "teach" site, and the "service" site.
- The service site is the site you already know and love as it hosts the actual App Inventor software where you build your own app projects.
- The explore site is geared toward the casual visitor as well as the veteran app builder. We will post news, project updates, stories about people using App Inventor, and things of that nature.
- The teach site, or educators' site, is an oasis of information and support for people who are using App Inventor with students -- of any age and in any setting. This is the area where I will be focusing much of my energy over the next several months, as we build this site to include more education materials, and as we build the community by engaging people in joining in the exchange of ideas around App Inventor.
Your feedback is valued and welcome! Please let us know your thoughts and suggestions.
Finally, I'd like to let you know about the upcoming Invitational App Inventor Summit on July 13/14 in Cambridge, MA. This meeting is intended to set the agenda for the App Inventor project for the next year. For more information, and to see how you can apply to participate, see the Summit Information page. Applications close June 15th.
That's all for now. Happy inventing...