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App Inventor Community continues to grow!

Hello App Inventor Educators! My name is Shaileen Pokress (“Shay”). I have just gotten started in my new position as Education Community Manager at the MIT Center for Mobile Learning. I am working with the App Inventor Team to facilitate sharing of ideas and materials in support of using App Inventor for learning. Whether you’re involved in informal settings or are using App Inventor in the classroom, I invite you to join with us as we build this community of educators. App Inventor was re-launched by MIT just two weeks ago, and already over 70,000 unique users have registered! We anticipate a great deal of activity over the coming months as this community begins to take advantage of this powerful tool for engaging learners in tinkering with technology. That’s all for now. Sign up for the App Inventor Educators’ Google Group to join our ongoing discussion. -- Shay Pokress