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Chinese App Inventor Site

This hub for people in China to learn about and use App Inventor was started by a group of Chinese App Inventor fans in 2010. The founders strongly believe App Inventor has unlimited possibilities and bright future. The site offers videos, tutorials, a technical discussion forum, and much more.

Resource Type: 

  • Tutorial
  • Other

App Inventor Concept Cards

App Inventor Concept Cards provide a quick way to learn new App Inventor code and concepts. Each of the 13 cards can be printed out, folded in half, and used to prompt students to explore a concept in App Inventor such as timers, sounds, movement, math, multiple screens, making colors, etc. These cards are designed to introduce ideas to students in bite-sized snippets and can be worked into any lesson or tutorial.

Resource Type: 

  • Curriculum
  • Tutorial

Visual Pong Tutorial

Pong is a simple game controlled by the user and a ball. The ball bounces off the paddle and three walls. If the ball bounces on the paddle, the user gains points. As soon as the ball falls beyond the paddle, the game is over. Pearl Phaovisaid created a visual tutorial to go along with the Pong tutorial on the site. This tutorial can be downloaded, printed out and then used as a guide to help the user create the Pong app without having to switch between screens.

Resource Type: 

  • Tutorial
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