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Computer App Programming (CAP) Competition in Hong Kong

On May 17, 2014, The Computer App Programming Competition (CAP 2014) or CAP Day was held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The competition was a great success and represents one of the largest collaborative efforts among university and secondary school teachers to promote programming education for secondary school students in Hong Kong. This year’s event adopted MIT App Inventor as the programming tool.

Hundreds of mobile apps or projects were received from secondary schools in Hong Kong. Nominated projects were showcased and judged for the project awards. In addition, over 40 school teams competed for the gold, silver and bronze CAP Awards by solving programming problems based on MIT App Inventor on the CAP Day.

Sponsor(s) IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter and Hong Kong Association for Computer Education

Location The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

More than 40 secondary school teams in Hong Kong

Apps Developed: Approximately 300