YouTuber Tutorials - Week of October 26, 2015
Bubble Sorting
App Inventor Teacher is a wonderful YouTuber with several MIT App Inventor tutorials. App Inventor Teacher is clear and concise in his instruction and definitely has the knowledge to teach new and experienced users a thing or two.
One of his most recently uploads is a video that shows how to create a function for Bubble Sorting, which is a method of sorting that checks to see if numbers in a list are in order from lowest to highest, and, if not, automatically moves them until they are.
Switching Between Screens
Dan Rhode recently made a short and sweet tutorial on how to switch between screens within an app. If you’re interested in creating an app in which you need to switch between multiple screens, this is a good tutorial for you!
Dan Rhode has been posting tutorial videos for a long time, so even if this tutorial may not help you with your specific needs, he probably has at least one video to help with something you’d like to learn!
Building Blocks Principles
BHCComputerProf is a YouTuber that just started posting videos recently, only having 3 in their gallery by the date of this post. Their latest video details a great deal of information regarding the blocks system in MIT App Inventor, how the blocks translate from coding language and how they function within the program. This video is incredibly thorough and will not only lead you through block functionality, but will also highlight many of the great qualities offered by the vast array of options, both inherent and variable.