App Inventor 1

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This tutorial introduces the Texting component for sending and processing texts. You'll build an app that texts a message to a list of phone numbers.


This is a two-part tutorial introduces the ActivityStarter component for launching arbitrary Android Apps and the ListPicker component for allowing a user to choose from a list of items. You'll build MapTour, an app for visiting French vacation destinations with a single click. Users of your app will be able to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Lourve, and Notre Dame in quick succession.

MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz

MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz are two apps that, in tandem, allow a teacher to create quizzes for a student. Parents can create fun trivia aps for their children during a long road trip, grade school teachers can build "Math Blaster" quizzes, and college students can build quizzes to help their study groups prepare for a final. This tutorial will walk you through creating both the MakeQuiz and the TakeQuiz app.


QuizMe is a trivia game about baseball, but you can use it as a template to build quizzes on any topic. With QuizMe the user steps through a series of questions, clicking a Next button to proceed to the next question. The user enters an answer for each question and the app reports whether each answer is correct or not. For this tutorial, you'll create an app in which the questions are always the same unless you, the programmer, change them. Later, you can create MakeAQuiz, an app that lets users create and modify the quiz questions.

Pizza Party with Fusion Tables

Pizza Party is a database app that collects dinner orders from different people and stores them in a Google Fusion Table. The app also uses the WebViewer component to let the user see the entries in the table. Fusion Tables are Google's free cloud database solution. Your fusion table can be read-only to the public, or you can grant multiple people the permission to write to the table. See the tutorial for more information, and begin creating your own shared database solutions!

Colored Dots

Colored Dots is a simple painting program that uses a second screen to select the paint colors. This tutorial serves as an introduction to creating apps that have multiple screens.


PicCall illustrates how to create applications that use the phone's functionality. This application lets you select people from your contact list and display their pictures. When you press a picture picture, the phone calls that person.


In the arcade game Whac-a-Mole TM , a "mole" pops up at random positions on a playing field, and the user score points by hitting the mole with a mallet. This is a similar game that uses the touchscreen. This tutorial introduces: image sprites, timers, and procedures.


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