MIT App Inventor Extensions

This is the official resource for the MIT App Inventor Extensions, use them within your own projects. Explore, create and share new functionality through App Inventor Extensions.

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Note: Make sure you have the latest MIT AI2 Companion application. Click on Help in the menu bar of your App Inventor screen and select Companion Information to get a QR code or link that can be used to download and install the MITAI2Companion.apk on your phone.


Name Description Author Version Download .aix File Source Code
BluetoothLE Adds as Bluetooth Low Energy functionality to your applications. See IoT Documentation and Resources for more information. MIT App Inventor 20240822 BluetoothLE.aix Via GitHub
FaceMeshExtension Estimate face landmarks with this extension. MIT App Inventor 20210405 Facemesh.aix Via GitHub
LookExtension Adds object recognition using a neural network compiled into the extension. MIT App Inventor 20181124 LookExtension.aix Via GitHub
Microbit Communicate with micro:bit devices using Bluetooth low energy (needs BluetoothLE extension above). MIT App Inventor 20200518 Microbit.aix Via GitHub
PersonalAudioClassifier Use your own neural network classifier to recognize sounds with this extension. MIT App Inventor 20200904 PersonalAudioClassifier.aix Via GitHub
PersonalImageClassifier Use your own neural network classifier to recognize images with this extension. MIT App Inventor 20210315 PersonalImageClassifier.aix Via GitHub
PosenetExtension Estimate pose with this extension. MIT App Inventor 20200226 Posenet.aix Via GitHub
TeachableMachine Use vision models trained in TeachableMachine with your device's camera. MIT App Inventor 1 TeachableMachine.aix Via GitHub
Note: The BluetoothLE extension was made possible, in part, by a grant given by the University Program Office at Intel Corporation.


Name Description Author Download .aix File Source Code
Arduino101 Interact with Arduino 101 devices and connected peripherals. Requires the BluetoothLE extension above. MIT App Inventor Arduino101.aix Via GitHub
ImageProcessor ImageProcessor can do a weighted combine of two images, return the greyscale of an image. Download this demo. Justus Raju ImageProcessor.aix
ScaleDetector Adds as multitouch scale gesture detector to a Canvas. See Using App Inventor extensions to implement multitouch for an explanation of how this works. Hal Abelson ScaleDetector.aix
SoundAnalysis Multimedia component that analyzes the pitch of a sound through the microphone and returns it. It can be used as an input to different situations, for instance to control some components with a specific sound whistle(pitch > 500Hz) or clap(pitch > 2000Hz). Mouhamadou Oumar Sall SoundAnalysis.aix
SoundPressureLevel Measures the sound pressure level using the microphone and returns the data in decibels. Further documentation for users and developers can be found here. RIT App Inventor SoundPressureLevel.aix
or Via GitHub
VectorArithmetic Takes in two vectors and can add them to return a result vector. Ethan Hon VectorArithmetic.aix


Name Description Author Version Download .aia File
Face mesh start project A start project that uses Face Mesh. Joy S Yu 20210405 Facemesh_StarterProject.aia
ImageProcessorDemo A project demonstrating basic image processing using an extension. Justus Raju 1 ImageProcessorDemo.aia
LookTest A project demonstrating how to use the Look component to classify video frames from the device camera. Evan Patton 20181124 LookTest_20181124.aia
PosenetTest A project demonstrating Posenet using an extension. Evan Patton 2 PosenetTest.aia
TophatMe A project that uses Posenet to draw a hat on your head. Evan Patton 1 TophatMe.aia