# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; -*-
# Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, All rights reserved.
The :py:mod:`aiatools.attributes` module provides :py:class:`~aiatools.algebra.Functor` for querying App Inventor
.. testsetup::
from aiatools.aia import AIAFile
from aiatools.attributes import *
from aiatools.block_types import *
from aiatools.component_types import *
project = AIAFile('test_aias/LondonCholeraMap.aia')
from aiatools.algebra import ComputedAttribute
from .algebra import Functor, NotExpression
from .common import Block, BlockKind
from .selectors import select
import collections
__author__ = 'Evan W. Patton <ewpatton@mit.edu>'
[docs]class NamedAttribute(Functor):
The :py:class:`NamedAttribute` is a :py:class:`Functor` that retrieves the value of a specific field on entities in
an App Inventor project.
Retrieve any Form entities in the project:
>>> project.components(NamedAttribute('type') == Form)
name : basestring
The name of the attribute to be retrieved.
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(obj, self.name):
return getattr(obj, self.name)
return None
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, NamedAttribute):
return self.name == other.name
return super(NamedAttribute, self).__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.name))
[docs]class NamedAttributeTuple(Functor):
The :py:class:`NamedAttributeTuple` is a :py:class:`Functor` that retrieves the value of a field on entities in an
App Inventor project. Unlike :py:class:`NamedAttribute`, it can take more than one name as a tuple. The given field
names are searched in order until one is found. This is useful for presenting a single :py:class:`Functor` over
synonyms, for example, ``'name'`` gives the name of a :py:class:`Component` whereas ``'component_name'`` gives the
name of a block's component (if any).
names : (str, unicode)
The name(s) of the attribute(s) to be retrieved. Giving a 1-tuple is less efficient than defining and using the
equivalent :py:class:`NamedAttribute` instance.
def __init__(self, names):
super(NamedAttributeTuple, self).__init__()
self.names = names
def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
for _name in self.names:
if hasattr(obj, _name):
return getattr(obj, _name)
return None
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.names)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, NamedAttributeTuple):
return self.names == other.names
return super(NamedAttributeTuple, self).__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.names)
[docs]def has_ancestor(target=None):
Constructs a new ComputedAttribute that accepts an entity if and only if the entity has an ancestor that matches the
given ``target`` clause.
Count the number of :py:data:`~.block_type.text` blocks with an ancestor that is a
:py:data:`~.block_type.logic_compare` block.
>>> project.blocks((type == text) & has_ancestor(type == logic_compare)).count()
target : Expression
An :py:class:`Expression` to use for testing ancestors.
A new ComputedAttribute that will walk the entity graph using the ``parent`` field and test whether any
``parent`` matches ``target``.
def checkAncestor(b):
if b is None:
return False
b = b.parent # Skip b
while b is not None:
if target is None:
return True
elif isinstance(target, collections.Callable) and target(b):
return True
elif b is target:
return True
b = b.parent
return False
return ComputedAttribute(checkAncestor)
[docs]def has_descendant(target=None):
Constructs a new ComputedAttribute that accepts an entity if and only if the entity has a descendant that matches
the given ``target`` clause.
Count the number of top-level blocks that have control_if blocks as descendants.
>>> project.blocks(top_level & has_descendant(type == controls_if)).count()
target : Expression
An :py:class:`Expression` to use for testing descendants.
A new ComputedAttribute that will walk the entity graph using the ``children`` field and test whether any
descendant in the subgraph matches ``target``.
def checkDescendant(b):
if b is None:
return False
if not hasattr(b, 'children'):
return False
for child in b.children():
if target is None:
return True
elif isinstance(target, collections.Callable) and target(child):
return True
elif child is target:
return True
elif checkDescendant(child):
return True
return False
return ComputedAttribute(checkDescendant)
def _root_block(block):
Looks up the root of the stack of blocks containing the given ``block``.
block : Block
The block of interest for which the root block will be obtained.
The block at the root of the block stack containing ``block``.
if not block:
return block
while block.logical_parent:
block = block.logical_parent
return block
root_block = ComputedAttribute(_root_block)
[docs]class HeightAttribute(Functor):
:py:class:`HeightAttribute` class is used to memoize the heights of the forest representing an App Inventor
project. Use :py:data:`aiatools.attributes.height` to benefit from the memoization feature.
Get the heights of the block stacks in the project.
>>> project.blocks(top_level).map(height)
[2, 6]
def __init__(self):
self.precomputed = {}
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
block_or_component = args[0]
if block_or_component in self.precomputed:
return self.precomputed[block_or_component]
height = max(self(x) for x in block_or_component.children()) + 1
except ValueError:
height = 0
self.precomputed[block_or_component] = height
return height
[docs]class DepthAttribute(Functor):
:py:class:`DepthAttribute` class is used to memoize the depths of entities in the forest representing an App
Inventor project. Use :py:data:`aiatools.attributes.depth` to benefit from the memoization feature.
Get the depth of all leaves in the project.
>>> project.blocks(leaf).map(depth)
[2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
def __init__(self):
self.precomputed = {}
def _get_parent(block_or_component):
if hasattr(block_or_component, 'logical_parent'):
return block_or_component.logical_parent
return block_or_component.parent
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
block_or_component = DepthAttribute._get_parent(args[0])
depth = 0
while block_or_component is not None:
depth += 1
block_or_component = DepthAttribute._get_parent(block_or_component)
return depth
class _MutationHelper(Functor):
:py:class:`_MutatorHelper` is a helper class used for generating new :py:class:`Functor` for retrieving mutation
fields on a block. :py:class:`_MutationHelper` interns the instances so that the returned items are the same
instance, that is:
>>> mutation.component_type is mutation.component_type
:py:class:`_MutationHelper` is accessed through the :py:data:`mutation` instance.
_interned = {}
def __init__(self, child=None):
self.child = child
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(args[0], 'mutation'):
_mutation = args[0].mutation
if _mutation is not None:
if self.child is None:
return _mutation
elif self.child in _mutation:
return _mutation[self.child]
return None
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item not in _MutationHelper._interned:
_MutationHelper._interned[item] = _MutationHelper(item)
return _MutationHelper._interned[item]
def __repr__(self):
class _FieldHelper(Functor):
:py:class:`_FieldHelper` is a helper class used for generating new :py:class:`Functor` for retrieving fields of
blocks. :py:class:`_FieldHelper` interns the instances so that the returned items are the same instace, that is:
>>> fields.OP is fields.OP
:py:class:`_FieldHelper` is accessed through the :py:data:`field` instance.
_interned = {}
def __init__(self, child=None):
self.child = child
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(args[0], 'fields'):
_fields = args[0].fields
if _fields is not None:
if self.child is None:
return _fields
elif self.child in _fields:
return _fields[self.child]
return None
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item not in _FieldHelper._interned:
_FieldHelper._interned[item] = _FieldHelper(item)
return _FieldHelper._interned[item]
type = NamedAttributeTuple(('type', 'component_type'))
"""Returns the type of the entity."""
name = NamedAttributeTuple(('name', 'instance_name'))
"""Returns the name of the entity."""
def _kind(block):
return block.kind
except AttributeError:
return None
kind = NamedAttribute("kind")
"""Returns the kind of the entity."""
external = NamedAttribute('external')
"""Returns true if the component is an extension."""
version = NamedAttribute('version')
"""Returns the version number for the entity."""
category = NamedAttributeTuple(('category', 'category_string'))
"""Returns the category for the entity."""
help_string = NamedAttribute('help_string')
"""Returns the help string for the entity."""
show_on_palette = NamedAttribute('show_on_palette')
"""Returns true if the entity is shown in the palette."""
visible = NamedAttribute('visible')
"""Returns true if the entity is visible."""
non_visible = NotExpression(visible)
"""Returns true if the entity is nonvisible."""
icon_name = NamedAttribute('iconName')
"""Returns the icon for the component."""
return_type = NamedAttribute('return_type')
"""Gets the return type of the block."""
generic = NamedAttribute('generic')
"""Tests whether the block is a generic component block."""
disabled = NamedAttribute('disabled')
"""Tests whether the entity is disabled."""
logically_disabled = NamedAttribute('logically_disabled')
"""Tests whether the block is logically disabled, either because it is explicitly disabled or is contained within a
disabled subtree."""
logically_enabled = ~logically_disabled
"""Tests whether the block is logically enabled."""
enabled = NamedAttribute('Enabled') | ~disabled
"""Tests whether the entity is enabled."""
top_level = ComputedAttribute(lambda b: isinstance(b, Block) and b.parent is None)
"""Tests whether the block is at the top level."""
parent = NamedAttribute('parent')
"""Gets the parent of the entity."""
mutation = _MutationHelper()
Tests whether a block has a mutation specified. One can also use :py:data:`mutation` to obtain accessors for specific
mutation fields, for example:
.. doctest::
>>> project.blocks(mutation.component_type == Button)
will retrieve all blocks that have a mutation where the component_type key is the Button type.
fields = _FieldHelper()
:py:data:`fields` is a generator for :py:class:`Functor` to retrieve the values of fields in a block. For example:
.. doctest::
>>> project.blocks(logic_compare).map(fields.OP)
depth = DepthAttribute()
Computes the depth of the entity with its tree. For components, this will be the number of containers from the Screen.
For blocks, this will be the number of logical ancestors to the top-most block of the block stack.
.. doctest::
>>> project.components(type == Marker).avg(depth)
height = HeightAttribute()
Computes the height of the tree from the given entity. This will be the longest path from the node to one of its
children. For leaf nodes, the height is 0.
.. doctest::
>>> project.blocks(top_level).avg(height)
is_procedure = (type == 'procedures_defreturn') | (type == 'procedures_defnoreturn')
Returns True if the type of a block is a procedure definition block, either :py:data:`procedures_defreturn` or
.. doctest::
>>> with AIAFile('test_aias/ProcedureTest.aia') as proc_project:
... proc_project.blocks(is_procedure).count()
is_called = ComputedAttribute(lambda x: not select(x).callers().empty())
Returns True if the entity in question is called by some other block in the code.
.. todo::
Add a mechanism for describing the call graph internal to components so that, for example,
``project.blocks(mutation.event_name == 'GotText').callers()`` should be non-empty for any ``Get`` method call
blocks in the screen for the same ``instance_name``.
leaf = ComputedAttribute(lambda x: len(x.children()) == 0)
Returns True if the entity is a leaf in the tree (i.e., it has no children).
.. doctest::
>>> project.blocks(leaf).count(group_by=type)
{'text': 3, 'lexical_variable_get': 6, 'color_blue': 2}
declaration = (type == 'component_event') | (type == 'global_declaration') | is_procedure
statement = kind == BlockKind.STATEMENT
value = kind == BlockKind.VALUE
.. testcleanup::