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Welcome 30 New Master Trainers in Mobile Educational Computing

We had an spectacular experience this past week – we had 30 people, from 18 countries, come together to be trained as MIT Master Trainers in Mobile Educational Computing (with MIT App Inventor), put together jointly with the MIT Professional Education Short Programs group.

Together with the amazing folks who’ve been master trainers with the Verizon program, we now have ~40 Master Trainers, & they are wonderful - we will soon have a full listing of these folks and their contact information so you can begin to take advantage of their awesome skills.

Huge thanks and congratulations to Karen Lang and Marsha Gordon and her Short Programs staff, all of whom did an enormous amount of work for this, and to Dave Wolber, who flew cross country and provided amazing guidance and instruction. Thanks as always to Hal, for his leadership and inspired opening talk. And of course, thanks to Jeff & Andrew for their presentations & answers to MANY questions. Thanks too, to Cynthia Solomon, for her inspiration, guidance, and thoughtful presentation. And without Marisol Diaz, we wouldn’t have had the logistics or amazing reception on Thursday evening. Finally, thanks to Mel Robinson for making sure all the final details were taken care of.